Monday, April 16, 2012

New York City - I got sick at these restaurants

Post your "I got sick" experience in the comments. Do not flame the restaurants.  This is not a review site.
It is ok to post if you got take out food or had your restaurant food delivered by one of the food delivery services online.

Here are the things NOT to mention:
Service -
Do not do a review of the restaurant.

Mention this:
Restaurant Name
Date of visit
# in your party
Did you get sick?
Describe illness (not graphic please or you will be moderated out)
How long sick for?

Thanks, Ken

Introduction to Restaurant Warnings Site

Have you ever eaten at a restaurant and gotten sick afterwards?  I mean, stomach cramps and running to the bathroom or even worse couple this with a fever and throwing up?   All this is not even pleasant to talk about but even so, most of us simply chalk it up to a bad experience and soon forget about it. I think eating out at restaurants is one of the most enjoyable experiences but maybe it is worthwhile to have a bit of a heads up and see if there are any patterns developing ...I mean to see if other people are had the same bad stomach experience as I did at the same restaurant.

If you have had an experience such as this.  Please comment on our pages for NYC .  I am going to divide the city into different regions. As this blog grows I will put a search field so you can check out any restaurants you are thinking of going to.  In the beginning, I just ask anyone to just comment.

Here are the things NOT to mention:
Service -
Do not do a review of the restaurant.

Mention this:
Restaurant Name
Date of visit
# in your party
Did you get sick?
Describe illness (not graphic please or you will be moderated out)
How long sick for

Please visit our ads (they support this work) and remember that most restaurants do their best to have safe food handling practices - so keep eating out!